Beatriz zoekt een Appartement in Wageningen

Beatriz zoekt: Een Appartement in Wageningen

  • Appartement
  • Min. 200 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 06 Per direct

Hello! My name is Beatriz, I´m 19 years old and I´m from Portugal. I will be going in Erasmus in Wageningen University and Research in my next semester. I´m a second year student in biology in University of Lisbon. I already live in Lisbon with another 20 roommates. I´m very relaxed and clean person, that likes to meet new people, learn with them and respect each others!

Algemene informatie: Beatriz
  Vrouw, 21 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  2e jaars Biology (GYMNASIUM)
  Lid van University of Lisbon